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The Confluence is a historic waterfowling region with clubs that date back to 1800s. These clubs provide critical habitat for migrating and wintering waterfowl as well as many other species of wildlife.
The region has more than 168 duck clubs with more than 577 associated members. The Missouri Department of Conservation estimates there are more than 7,000 waterfowlers in this region. The region is also rich in deer, turkey, and upland hunting.
The historic Confluence is a region of immense importance, is at risk, and must be protected for the benefit of all. Despite the many benefits to wildlife and people, 90% of the Confluence floodplain wetlands have been altered or lost.
GRHA partners with area duck clubs to raise awareness, needed support and conservation dollars to meet our mission.
GRHA is committed to protecting public and private land in the Confluence for their best uses: recreational, aesthetic, and agricultural benefits and their habitat value for waterfowl, wildlife and people.
Development and flooding continue to be the greatest threats to natural and agricultural habitats.
To address, GRHA collaborates with duck club partners to restore wetlands and to protect their conservation and flood storage values and to protect land and land-use practices important to wildlife, waterfowl and people.
The Confluence is a historic waterfowling region with clubs that date back to 1886. The clubs provide critical habitat for migrating and wintering waterfowl as well as many other species of wildlife.
No group stands to lose more than the clubs in the Confluence. We ask that your club consider supporting our efforts through a three-year commitment.
The Confluence region has more than 168 duck clubs with more than 577 members associated with those clubs. The Missouri Department of Conservation estimates there are more than 7,000 waterfowlers in this region. The region is also rich in deer, turkey, upland hunting, etc.
The historic Confluence is a region of significant importance, is at risk, and must be protected for the benefit of all!
GRHA is the voice of hunters and landowners in the Confluence.
GRHA is committed to protecting public and private land in the Confluence for their best use: agriculture and wildlife. Despite the many benefits to wildlife and people, 90% of the Confluence floodplain wetlands have been altered or lost. Development and flooding continue to be the greatest threats to natural and agricultural habitats.
To address, GRHA works with partners to restore wetlands and to protect their conservation, flood storage and habitat values in perpetuity by teaming up with farmers, duck clubs, and other land stewards to protect land and land-use practices important to wildlife, waterfowl and people. To protect clubs and private lands from development GRHA partners with Ducks Unlimited in securing donated conservation easements to protect private lands in perpetuity.
To address flooding, we are working with local leadership to tackle the issue of floodplain rise and the filling of the floodplain and look to partner on watershed projects upriver that increase the floodplain in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin, providing more flood storage north of the Confluence.
To help educate wetland managers and landowners GRHA holds a Wetland Habitat and Management workshop annually with noted experts in wetland and waterfowl ecology and management as instructors. And, to help improve and restore habitat acres in the Confluence GRHA partners with the Missouri Agricultural Wetland Initiative with DU, Missouri Department of Conservation, the Department of Agriculture, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
If you would prefer to donate through the mail, please download and print out a copy of our Donation Pledge Form (PDF) and mail it to Great Rivers Habitat Alliance.
Great Rivers Habitat Alliance
PO Box 50014
St. Louis, MO 63105
With your continued support, GRHA will achieve our vision to address the full range of factors that continue to erode and threaten the historic natural resources of the Confluence. Thank...
Join today and with your support, GRHA will achieve our vision to address the full range of factors that continue to erode and threaten the historic natural resources of the...
GRHA Duck Club Partnership Program, “Wings Over the Confluence,” GRHA partners with area duck clubs to raise needed support and conservation dollars to meet GRHA’s Mission: Great Rivers Habitat Alliance protects the...
This is an elite level of giving to Great Rivers Habitat Alliance whereby donors make an annual contribution of $10,000 or more to support our mission. Members of the Confluence are...