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In 1999, a group of floodplain landowners became extremely concerned about the construction of a 500-year levee to protect a commercial development project alongside some of the best wetland habitat in the Confluence. Garnering support from other conservation interests, the group formed the Great Rivers Habitat Alliance (GRHA) in 2000.
The alliance, which now has the support of more than 40 state, federal, and nonprofit organizations, works to protect the floodplain from commercial development. GRHA and its partners have testified at numerous public hearings and submitted written opposition to planned developments, zoning changes, tax incentive financing and annexation proposals in the Confluence. More importantly GRHA has raised public awareness about the floodplain's importance in terms of flood storage, clean water, and agriculture.
Today GRHA continues its work in the Confluence and has broadened its focus to include the upper watersheds of the Mississippi, Missouri and Illinois Rivers.
This is an elite level of giving to Great Rivers Habitat Alliance whereby donors make an annual contribution of $10,000 or more to support our mission. The Stewards of the Confluence are the impetus behind our mission and the conservation, fundraising and policy achievements of Great Rivers Habitat Alliance. It represents the most significant donors within the organization.