2024 GRHA Sporting Clays Dove Warm-Up Shoot at Historic Nilo Farms
Come out to the historic Nilo Farms and enjoy a fun-filled day of sporting clays to support conservation with GRHA!
We will have a warm-up flurry event and 15 stands of sporting clays to put your shotgun skills to the test. Ammunition is included.
Tickets include targets, shells, food, and beverages. Unable to attend but still want to support? Sponsor a station at the event!
Date: Thursday, August 22, 2024
Location Address: 15025 IL-111, Brighton, IL 62012
Registration fees: Individual $150 or Team $600
Time/Agenda: 11am -1pm 2 Man Flurry (2-shooter game) $25 Dollars per team. Warm up before the shoot! Winning team score each gets a Stoeger STR-9!
1:15pm Safety Talk
1:30pm Sporting clay shooting begins – Shotgun Start
4-6:00pm Dinner/Awards/Prizes
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