2024 GRHA Wetland and Habitat Management Workshop
Wetland Habitat and Management Workshop Cancelled Unfortunately, do to Mississippi River Flooding we have had to cancel the GRHA Wetlands Workshop. The farms we utilize for the outdoor classrooms and dinner events are underwater. Another flood year only reemphasizes the importance of GRHAs work and mission. We look forward to the next Wetlands Workshop scheduled for July 14-16, 2025. Stay safe out there. Learn from North Americas Top Wetland and Waterfowl Experts July 15-17, 2024. $1,000/person all meals provided. This workshop will focus primarily on moist-soil wetland types but also include landscape considerations for agriculture, forest, shrub-scrub, and emergent habitats, along with perspectives of the opportunity of individual properties in relation to their location, size, and management objectives. Workshop Details and Agenda Space is limited to a small group of attendees for this special inaugural workshop. Please sign up early to not be left out. Workshop Objectives: Provide detailed information to waterfowl club owners,...
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