2024 Spring Sporting Clays Another Success

The annual GRHA Sporting Clays Shoot and Fundraiser was held Thursday March 28th at the beautiful Strathalbyn Farms Club where shooters experienced some great shooting opportunities, food, fellowship and raised some big bucks for our Confluence conservation mission. The weather was spectacular with sunny skies and temperatures in the 60’s.
The day started with a two-man flurry thrown at the 5-stand field with the top team winning a pair of Stoeger STR-9mm pistols. The winning flurry team was Zach Nannini and Joe Laster.
Strathalbyns great food is well known, and they did not disappoint with mini-Kobe beef hotdogs and bacon jam grilled cheese sandwiches as a pre-shoot snack. Heavy appetizers and drinks, of course, followed the shoot along with an attendance raffle, gun raffle, silent and live auctions.
Individual Top 10
- Bryan Johnson 97
- Zach Nannini 93 (Scorecard Playoff)
- Cody Stokes 93
- Anthony Pozzi 92
- Henry Schwetye 91
- Tie at 88 Chris Hyams and Keith Blubaugh
- Max Schulte 86
- 5-way Tie at 85 Jason Cleveland, Louis Eckelkamp, Mike Schulte, Harvey Fisher, Steve
Team winners were:
AAA First Place – Trophy Properties & Auction #1 Score 348
AAA Second Place – GS&S Construction Score 342
AAA Third Place – TCS Score 340
AA First Place – Wagner Portrait Group Score 278
AA Second Place – East Bayou Club Score 271
AA Third Place – Team Eckelkamp Score 270
Each year we have some incredible guns sponsored by Jamie LoPorto and Top Tier Outdoors and great gear from Divebomb Industries, Winchester and BOSS Shotgun Shells. There were goody bags for each shooter along with an attendance raffle.
A special thanks goes out to our event sponsors Trophy Properties & Auction and Divebomb Industries and all of our generous sponsors including Fischer & Frichtel Homes, Renaissance Financial, C.E. Bollmeier Company, GS&S Construction, Armanino, Foam Supplies Inc., Green Leaf Procurement, Henges Interiors/Port-a-King, TCS and Eckelkamp. The two-man flurry sponsored by Winchester provided Winchester ammo to all shooters.
The event held in late March/early April sells out each year. Be sure to watch our website for an announcement for 2025 dates. All proceeds benefit Great Rivers Habitat Alliance and its Mission: Protecting the 100-year Confluence floodplain for the benefit of wildlife, historic waterfowling, agriculture, clean water, and people.