Podcast: GetDucks.com - Duck Season Somewhere

Great Rivers Habitat Alliance - Duck Season Somewhere
The Great Confluence is North America's largest, occurring just outside of St. Louis, Missouri, and comprised of the Missouri, Illinois and Missouri rivers.
There are 75,000-100,000 acres nearly contiguous habitat managed by private landowners and clubs dating back to the 1800s. In a state that's lost 90% of its wetlands habitat, the Great Rivers Habitat Alliance was created to hold the fort.
Long-time friend Mike Checkett joins us today, describing this amazing region, it's long-standing importance to migratory waterfowl, what and how they're protecting what's left.
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Podcast Sponsors:
BOSS Shotshells https://bossshotshells.com/
Benelli Shotguns https://www.benelliusa.com/
Tetra Hearing https://tetrahearing.com/
Ducks Unlimited https://www.ducks.org
Mojo Outdoors https://www.mojooutdoors.com/p
Tom Beckbe https://tombeckbe.com/
Flash Back Decoys https://www.duckcreekdecoys.
Voormi https://voormi.com/
It really is duck season somewhere for 365 days per year. Follow Ramsey Russell's worldwide duck hunting adventures as he chases real duck hunting experiences year-round: Instagram @ramseyrussellgetducks YouTube @GetDucks Facebook @GetDucks.com Please subscribe, rate and review Duck Season Somewhere podcast. Share your favorite episodes with friends!
Business inquiries and comments contact Ramsey Russell ramsey@getducks.com