Great Fun Again At The 9th Annual Grha/du Partnership Gala

The Confluence is a unique 291,000-acre wetland system formed where the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers meet--an area known as the Confluence Floodplain. In addition to its importance for floodwater storage and agricultural production, this area has attracted migratory birds for centuries and boasts a rich waterfowl hunting tradition. Urban development continues to be the greatest threat to this region. To address this concern, Great Rivers Habitat Alliance and Ducks Unlimited team up with farmers, duck clubs, and other land stewards to protect land-use practices important to waterfowl and people.
To support that work, GRHA and Ducks Unlimited came together again on October 12 for the 9th annual fundraising event. Close to 400 people attended, and the event netted close to $200,000 for support of conservation work in the Confluence through GRHA’s many programs and DU's Big Rivers Initiative. This partnership over the years has raised more than $1.5 million dollars for conservation in the Confluence region.
As always, the event was highlighted by a live auction with unique firearms, one-of-a-kind trips, and other items. Other festivities included a gun raffle, themed table raffle, where the winner takes all, and a silent auction that would rival some live auctions. The food was once again outstanding and service by the Hilton St. Louis- Frontenac impeccable. We could not put on such an amazing event without our great committee led by Jason Cleveland (GRHA) and Jane Bell (DU), along with some amazing sponsors. Special thanks to Adventures Unknown, Annie Gunns, Boss Shotgun Shells, C Bennett, CK Power, Dierberg-Starlane Vineyards, Divebomb Industries, Foam Supplies Inc., Full Care, Genovese Jewelers, Kind Goods, Forrest Keeling Nursery, Salt n Smoke, Snow Pros, Tom James, Top Tier Outdoors, Tornado Alley Waterfowl, Trophy Properties & Auction, Webfoot Kennels, Winchester, and Purina.
Next year’s event is again planned for early October. Stay tuned for further developments as we plan the 10th Anniversary event. You know it’s going to be a big one!